Saturday, April 9, 2011

Taking A Stand

Taking A Stand.....
"Taking A Stand interweaves spoken word, interviews and visual poetry to explore the connection between the environment, politics, history, economics, and personal action."

Hands of Love

Please watch this amazing movie! It is really inspirational. If this boy and his friends come from so little and yet can do so much, why is it that most of us hesitate to help those in need?

Hands of Love...
16 year-old David Were lives in Kibera, Africa’s largest slum on the outskirts of Kenya’s capital city, Nairobi. Basic facilities like the bathroom become an enormous chore as the family uses buckets and plastic bags to dispose of human waste. The bags, or “flying toilets,” are not just a problems for David’s family, but have become an ecological obstacle for the entire community who toss bags from the window, afraid to leave their homes at night. For David and his friends, their work to provide security, latrines and clean up projects for the flying toilets, is more than a struggle for a healthier environment."

"We Are All One"

This is a truely inspirational video. We all need to learn that our actions effect eachother and that we all make up one population on mother Earth.